Leo Denes, the founder of Inautalent, was interviewed by Paul Grévaud on the Skyrocket podcast. Here’s a summary of what was discussed.

Skyrocket 21: An Entrepreneurial Podcast

Skyrocket 21 is the go-to podcast for entrepreneurs. Created by Paul Grévaud, an entrepreneur and founder of Teech Golf, its aim is to share the advice and strategies of successful entrepreneurs who manage hectic schedules while prioritizing their mental and physical well-being. Through its first 8 episodes, Paul explores different areas, including sports, to showcase these achievements.

Léo's Journey

Leo built most of his career abroad, spending 15 years in Australia. He started at PwC in France before moving to Sydney, where he worked in financial audit for 7 years and then spent 4 years at a strategy consulting firm. During this time, he also founded Australiance in 2010 and joined the French Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry in 2016.

Later, Leo and Axel launched Startup&Angels. The COVID-19 pandemic prompted them to rethink the event format, which now features pitch sessions and panel discussions.

Returning to France in 2023, Leo founded Inautalent to assist with international recruitment and business strategy.

Leo has over 20 years of experience in strategy, business development, team management, process improvement, procurement, and financial audit.

The startup market in Australia

Australia’s startup ecosystem is vibrant and entrepreneurial. New startups launch daily, which can make standing out challenging. Despite this, the ecosystem is well-structured, offering excellent opportunities to build professional networks. New networking events and communities are always emerging such as the Chamber of Commerce or French Tech, of which Léo is a co-founder, are excellent ways to expand one’s network.

Sports: An Essential Balance for Léo

Léo is passionate about ultra-trail running. He has completed challenging races like the Diagonale des Fous, a 168km course across La Réunion, and regularly participates in events like the MaXi-Race around Lake Annecy in France.

The key to Léo’s success is the support of his loved ones. Even though these races are individual endeavors, he relies on their collective support to stay motivated and avoid giving up. Mental strength is crucial, especially during races that last over 50 hours, where pushing through limits is essential.

Preparation involves focused training, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep.

Drawing Inspiration from Ultra-Trail for Entrepreneurship

Léo compares ultra-trail running and entrepreneurship through values like resilience, perseverance, and enjoyment. He emphasizes the importance of mental strength and the ability to bounce back, essential qualities in both domains. In entrepreneurship as in trail running, it’s crucial not to give up in the face of obstacles. These challenges teach us and help us progress for the next time. Mistakes provide opportunities for improvement. When Léo participated in the Diagonale des Fous, he wasn’t as prepared as he is now for ultra-trails. This experience taught him how to better prepare and identify his needs before a race.

The Strength of Inautalent

A key factor in the success of Australiance and Inautalent is its cosmopolitan team, with over half of its members holding dual nationality. This cultural diversity is a major asset, enabling understanding not only of languages but also of cultures, thereby facilitating international market penetration.
Listen to the full interview just below and discover the inspiring journey of Léo Denes and his thoughts on entrepreneurship and sports.